The trade union federation and European social partner for education in Europe

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News from Education Policy

Introduction to the Campaign



Education International is uniting 30 million educators, together with partner organisations and all those that support the public provision of education around the world, to ensure that quality education for all remains at the top of the agenda for a sustainable, peaceful and prosperous future.

Despite economic, cultural and social differences, we are united in our call to put in place these essential elements of a global future:

  • universal and free access to quality teachers,
  • modern teaching tools and resources and
  • supportive and safe environments for teaching and learning.

The goal of the Unite for Quality Education campaign is to raise awareness among governments, non-governmental and international organisations, financial institutions, community leaders and the general public:

  • Of the critical role quality education plays in the development of the individual and society,
  • Of the necessity to provide access to a quality education for every student,
  • Of the fact that education must be the bedrock of any post -2015 development agenda,
  • Of the work of EI and its affiliates and members on behalf of quality education and of the essential nature of the voice of teachers and their representatives in the development of national and international education policy.

Quality education is based on three pillars:

Quality teaching – which  is ensured through the recruitment of high calibre candidates to teaching, the provision to them of high quality initial teacher education and the support throughout their career of continuous professional development. Teachers are the most important educational resource and a critical determinant of quality. They must be treated as respected professionals. Teaching must provide an attractive career choice, and must remain sufficiently attractive, in terms of salaries and conditions of employment, to retain the best teachers in the service.

Quality tools for teaching and learning – including appropriate curricula and inclusive teaching and learning materials and resources. These may be provided,  through the application of information and communication technology, that is, by harnessing the enormous power of the internet and the capacity and accessibility of modern technology to assist and support teaching and learning.

Quality environments for teaching and learning – supportive, comfortable, safe and secure, with the appropriate facilities to encourage student learning and to enable teachers to teach effectively. A quality environment also engages parents, students, teachers, school authorities and support staff in a community working together to achieve the goal of providing quality education for all of its students.

EI/ETUCE Video: One year of Campaign in Europe