The ETUCE Committee denounces the Investor-State Dispute Mechanism


On 13 October 2014, the ETUCE Committee unanimously adopted the ETUCE Statement on Investment Protection in EU Investment Agreements.  The Statement clearly conveys that the Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is a flawed mechanism, which is contradictory to and limiting on the right to regulate. The ISDS mechanism has consequences in all areas of democratic decision-making, but specific concerns are raised in respect to the education sector.

Private companies could in the future challenge the quality and accreditation standards through ISDS if they felt these standards were "disguised barriers to trade" or "more burdensome than necessary". As emphasised in the Statement: "These quality and accreditation standards are crucial to ensure the quality of education and therefore ISDS poses very significant risks to the education sector and democratic decision-making in general".

The ETUCE Statement