Education Trade Unions together #ForQualityEducation


Today, Education Trade Unions across Europe who are members of ETUCE are coming together to launch a multi-country and multi-channel campaign. The campaign Together in the Union - #ForQualityEducation aims at raising awareness on education trade unions’ work ; seeks to engage teachers and unions in coordinated online activities locally, regionally, nationally and at European level; and will also be a means to build a community of education professionals in Europe who are organised in their union.

The campaign, based on the project “Your Turn! Teachers for Trade Union Renewal”, is being launched in the context of a global pandemic that is affecting all dimensions of the society. The education sector is not being spared: the teachers and other education personnel, as well as the young people are amongst the most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. But education should not pay the cost of the crisis. Funding cuts, the dominance of market mechanisms in education policy, attacks to the role and status of teachers and their unions should not frame the working lives of educators. Individualism and distrust in human solidarity should not break unity and trust in collective action.

Because the union is the means to advance trade union’s rights, and to further the teaching profession, because the union is a force for fairness and a power for progress, it is vital that ETUCE and all education trade unions across Europe work together to articulate alternatives. Together, we can achieve change. Together we are stronger. Together, we can have a voice, fight for our rights and shape education. Together, we can make a difference. A big one.

Today and for the next month (from the 10/05/21 until the 06/06/201), we invite you to join this campaign. By engaging in the campaign, you will be part of a community of teachers and education professionals across Europe who seek to develop shared alternatives to what education should look like.

What can you do?

  1. Engage in the campaign by using the campaign resources on social media and sharing them with your colleagues.
  2. Subscribe to the ETUCE newsletter to stay in contact with education trade unions across Europe.
  3. Follow ETUCE on Twitter and Facebook to stay up to date with our work and the campaign.
  4. Watch and share the campaign video
  5. Discover how education trade unions around Europe have mobilised to build activities and actions intended to bring about change.
  6. Have a look at the map on the campaign page to see who is representing teachers and other education personnel like you in your country, join your colleagues, and get involved with your union.

You will find here all the information on the campaign you need to be a part of it. Join us!