Kosovo: SBASHK demands signing of Collective Agreement and recognition of teachers’ daily work
19 January 2021
The COVID 19 outbreak is a public health crisis quite different than anything Europe has faced for many years. As education personnel and their trade unions grapple with the outbreak, we are supporting and informing member organisations in any way we can.
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Yesterday ETUCE expressed solidarity with its member organisation in Kosovo, the Union of Education, Science and Culture of Kosovo (SBASHK) and addressed the Kosovar authorities.
Responding to its member organisation’s request, ETUCE asks the Kosovar government officials to sign, without further delay, the final version of the new Collective Agreement, of which the text had been agreed by the Joint Commission. Moreover, ETUCE requests the government to consider an additional monthly payment for teachers and other education personnel of 100 Euros in recognition of their extraordinary efforts in continuously preserving the quality of education during the pandemic, as well as a compensation for the exposure to the risk of COVID-19 in their work, similar to the compensation paid to workers of other essential sectors.
“We call on the Kosovar authorities to meet its commitments and sign the text of the already agreed draft Collective Agreement, as well as to recognise teachers’ and other education personnel’s tireless efforts in upholding quality education in these extraordinary times”, stated Susan Flocken, ETUCE European Director.
ETUCE continues monitoring closely the situation.